About us

Thanks for stopping by to check out this blog. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little more about myself and my team. I’m Gene, affectionately dubbed Sleepy Gene by my friends. If you ask them, I’m a “daydream believer”. But what is wrong with that I ask you? I like to think of myself as an optimist, I see the glass as half full rather than empty. I’m on the same page as the Monty Python boys, I always look on the bright side of life.

Yet around 5 years ago, I had an unfortunate experience that shook me to my core. I have always been a fan of casino games. From playing slots in amusement arcades at the seaside, to trying my chances at the tables of prestigious Mayfair casinos. So when I dipped my toes into the world of online casinos, I was instantly in love. Suddenly, I had access to some of the most exciting and thrilling games I had ever played. And all without even having to leave the house! Plus, the possibility of a winning big money made the experience even more exhilarating.

However, with hindsight, I have to admit that I was a little naive. I took it for granted that the site I chose to play at was safe and fair. How wrong I was! I made a fairly significant sum of money playing slots. Not life-changing money, but certainly enough to make an impact! Yet I soon came to realise that the casino I was playing at was not particularly reliable, trustworthy or straightforward. I hit brick wall after brick wall trying to withdraw my winnings, with the operator repeatedly giving arbitrary reasons for the hold ups.

Then, whilst this whole saga was unravelling, I got a further slap in the face when my credit card bill arrived, with thousands of pounds to be paid. Turns out the technical security at the casino was not up to scratch, and my credit card details had been hacked. So, on top of my constant struggles trying to get my winnings from the casino, I had also become a victim of fraud.

This whole experience could have left me jaded, and taken away my rosy outlook on life. However, I chose to not let that be taken from me as well! Ever the optimist, I decided to turn my frown upside down, and do my best to make sure that other people would avoid the same problems.

Along with my good friends Sal and Dave, we set about finding out as much as we could about online casinos. We learnt how to spot the trustworthy operators from the rogues. In the process, we tried and tested tons of online casinos. We soon learnt which were good, which were bad and which were plain ugly! We discovered that you do not have to sacrifice your dreams of winning big, if you choose your casino wisely. What’s more, we discovered just how many interesting and new casinos there are to play at. So that’s basically our story in a nutshell! It is our mission to share our research, expertise and experiences, to help you fellow casino dreamers.